Personalised Marketing: Harnessing Insights Enterprise-Wide

April 20, 2022
The marketing model has evolved over recent years in line with technological advances. Historically, the measure of a successful campaign has often been the number of leads generated. As the capability of systems and solutions has evolved, however, this has enabled better use of data and resulted in the emergence of personalised marketing. Businesses can […]
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The Great Resignation: How To Prevent Employees From Jumping Ship

January 25, 2022
Vaibhav Jain, CEO and Founder of Hubilo, explains what business leaders can do to prevent their staff from handing in their notice amid a time of heightened employee dissatisfaction. The post-pandemic era is bringing many changes to working environments and employee expectations, with many now looking to jump ship in favour of better pay and […]
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Great Tech Is Crucial For Engaging People Around A Physical Workspace

December 22, 2021
The evolution of remote working has been a topic of conversation throughout the current century, but it is only in the past two years that it has entered the mainstream. While the impact of remote working on businesses and their workforces has been covered extensively during the pandemic, there remains one point that is worth reiterating: […]
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Virgin On How Businesses Can Engage Remote And Office-Based Employees This Holiday Season

November 22, 2021
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Incentives and Virgin Experience Days, takes a look at how businesses can engage both remote-based and office-based employees this festive season. 2021 will go down in the history books as a year of transition. The UK emerged from the pandemic, vaccinated nearly 70% of the population against COVID-19, […]
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6 Ways To Increase Your Online Presence

July 12, 2021
Ivy Attie, Content Manager, Researcher & Author, explains how your business can effectively maintain a strong online presence.  However, maintaining an online presence is an entirely different ball game for business owners. It’s not just about building a single platform where interested consumers can visit. But more about the collective existence of your business on […]
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Unlimited Leave Policies: Are They What Employees Really Want?

April 3, 2020
All too often, an idea that sounds like it would make a great incentive for employees turns out to have the opposite effect. In the case of Buffer and other companies, this has been observed regarding unlimited annual leave policies.
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Online Reviews and Comparisons: Can You Use Them To Increase Engagement?

July 22, 2019
The mediums that businesses use to advertise their products and services have remained largely unchanged for the last couple of decades; television, radio, internet and billboards are still the preferred methods amongst firms both big and small. However, the way that said businesses build up their reputation has changed massively. Traditionally, word of mouth and reviews from […]
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To Increase Diversity You Need to Get Hiring and Promotions Right

May 31, 2019
If you are the person who is in charge of investing in and growing a company, it is important to be aware that your competition are rapidly powering up their business using digital solutions and technology. You, like many other decision-makers and innovative organisations, need to do everything possible not to stay behind. The World […]
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Redefining the C-suite

February 28, 2019
Gad Elkin, Vice President of UK & Ireland at F5 Networks, discusses the ways in which the C-suite should be redefined in order to achieve the best business strategies.   Most major strategic shifts tend to happen at board level, but does that necessarily result in optimal outcomes? Are the right people always present to help […]
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Have We ‘Over-Professionalised’ the Workplace?

September 13, 2018
Care in the workplace is something you don’t often hear executives discussing. It also isn’t something we routinely read about in business journals or the leadership literature. Tracy Kite, author of Love to Lead, leads the discussion below, on the over-proffessionlisation of the workplace. My own research suggests that the discourse on care in business […]
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The Early Stages of Being a CEO: Engagement is Key

December 8, 2017
Discovering your roles and responsibilities will be a big part of your first few months of being a CEO. One of the key tips from Benedetta Arese Lucini, CEO of Oval Money, points towards engagement. Benedetta’s personal experience shows that though it is tempting to focus exclusively on internal issues, staying engaged with outside groups is vital […]
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Here’s Why Customer Engagement Makes a CEO

August 15, 2017
Speaking to CEO Today, Rant & Rave CEO, Kenny Bain, here discusses getting more involved with customers and the real challenge behind being the face of a company. How often do you ask, “what do my customers want?”. More importantly, do you know the answer? It can be easy for CEOs to get wrapped up […]
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