
Why Businesses Invest Billions In Customer Experience But Fail To Make Progress

May 25, 2022
The need to adapt to constant change is perhaps the only certainty in today’s business climate. Black swan events such as the 2008 financial crisis or the global Covid-19 pandemic, have meant that the past is no longer a safe basis for predicting the future.  During the pandemic, we saw fast, radical change in action […]
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5 Things Leaders Do That Cause Digital Transformation Projects To Fail

May 25, 2022
Your business is likely to be going through continuous change as companies grapple with shifting consumer habits, new technologies and digital disruption. As a CEO, you are likely to have to lead your team through digital transformation. You may need to transform one or more departments. Perhaps you have to change business operations at a […]
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Eight Steps to Reframe Failure

January 25, 2021
Common wisdom says that failure leads to growth, but all too often it is punished in big business. How can we go about removing the stigma from human error?
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The Fortune 100 Companies with the Worst Rated CEOs

December 2, 2019
A new index reveals looks at Glassdoor reviews to determine BEST and WORST rated Fortune 100 CEOs.
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Finding Success Through Failure: Fairbanks Insurance Brokers’ Story

August 30, 2019
How many of us would risk stepping out of bed in the morning if we knew we would slip and fall, thus breaking an ankle walking to the bathroom? How many of us would risk driving to work if we knew we would crash our vehicle leaving the driveway? Moreover, how many of us think […]
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Nike Vs Pepsi: 10 Growth Lessons to Learn from Epic Gambles

August 15, 2019
We are squarely in the age of ‘wokeness’ - the state of being aware and motivated by problematic norms, systemic injustices and the overall status quo.
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Why Do Over a Quarter of Digital Transformation Projects Fail?

July 30, 2019
Econocom’s latest research reveals a strong uptake in digital transformation projects, but many are failing.
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Business Leaders Must Fail Fast to Succeed at Digital Transformation

June 18, 2019
The digital transformation journey is by no means easy.
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Plan Ahead & Get Your Organisation Cyber-Ready

November 26, 2018
Most of us will be familiar with the old adage “Failing to plan is planning to fail”. Nowhere is this more pertinent than when it comes to protecting a business from cyber-attacks.
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Samsung: To Succeed You Often Have To Fail First

October 31, 2018
Why creativity is iterative and not an end-game.   #fail. It’s become a tag that no one wants to be associated with. In this social media-fuelled world we now live in, #winning tends to be what we all want to be striving for. And rightly so… otherwise, what’s the point in developing ourselves to be […]
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Failure Is an Option

May 8, 2018
People will tell you that failure is not an option, and by now you’ll have likely embedded this in the foundations of your behaviour. But according to Jonathan Sharp, Director of Britannic Technologies, there are several options, and failure is one of them. The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is upon us with the proliferation […]
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The Liquidation Procedures and Necessary Steps to Take

May 8, 2018
Many companies face financial issues at some stage on their natural life. You just need to look at the recent liquidations of some of the high street’s top shops, Toys r Us, Maplin, BHS, etc. For businesses facing significant cash flow problems, liquidation can become a very real threat. There are various procedures for liquidating […]
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