Are Voice Assistants the Future of Customer Interactions?

December 13, 2019
From smartphones to tablets, a generation of consumer technology has been defined by touch interfaces.
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Cultural Trends Every CEO Needs Watch in 2020

December 3, 2019
We are living in an era of unprecedented change. Technology is revolutionizing every area of our lives – from the way we communicate, learn, travel and work to how we socialise, exercise, shop and get entertainment.
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CEOs of the Future: Your Brain Is a Black Box

October 15, 2019
Artificial intelligence as a decision-making aid has improved to the point where its efficacy and trust may be starting to exceed that of a human decision-maker.
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Equality 2.0: Rethinking the Role of Tech in Achieving Global Equality

September 13, 2019
Growth can never be truly sustainable until it is built on a foundation of equality. Now is the moment to take a more pro-active approach.
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5 Top Tips for Future-Proof Brand Governance

September 11, 2019
The traditional role of brand governance has been to ensure that brands are presented consistently, guidelines are followed, and rules are adhered to.
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What Every CEO Needs to Know About Design Rights

September 6, 2019
Ideas are what drive innovation, so when someone comes along and steals your business’ intellectual property, there are potentially long-lasting repercussions for your business’ future.
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Women Need to Take More Responsibility for the Gender Pay Gap

September 4, 2019
The CIPD recently published their annual report on FTSE 100 CEO pay packages.
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Why Smarter Communication Will Unlock the Workforce of the Future

August 28, 2019
The modern workplace is almost unrecognisable when compared to what it was just a decade ago.
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Here's Why AI Will Change Corporate Deal-Making Forever

August 13, 2019
The ability to predict and shape the long term success of global takeovers is often seen as the “holy grail” for CEOs, investors and their advisors.
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How Can We Prepare Our Businesses for the Workplace of the Future and the Rise of AI?

July 22, 2019
How Can We Prepare Our Businesses for the Workplace of the Future and the Rise of AI? We live in an era of exponential change, shaped by advances in technology. As we move towards a new stage of technological reliance, how can we prepare our businesses for the challenges and opportunities ahead, and which business […]
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A Time Traveller's Guide to the Future of Trading

July 17, 2019
What will trading technology look like in 50 years?
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Reimagining Mobility: A CEO Guide

May 13, 2019
Mobility is about to become cheaper, more convenient, a better experience, safer, and cleaner—not 50 or even 25 years from now, but perhaps within a dozen.
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