Sammy Rubin, Founder & CEO of Insurtech Startup yulife

January 2, 2020
'yulife' is a startup shaking up the way we view and think about life insurance, an employee reward larger firms are increasingly realising is a vitally important benefit to offer.
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Should CEOs Prioritise Health and Wellbeing Benefits for Employees?

October 18, 2019
More and more small business owners are making wellbeing a priority within their businesses. Whether that’s to retain their current team members, to make the workplace a more positive place or to help attract new talent to join the company.
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How to Reduce Stress on Your Commute

July 17, 2019
According to research conducted by the TUC, the average daily commute now sits at 58 minutes, meaning that people are spending 27 working days a year commuting to work.
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It’s the Small Things Most Likely to Cause "Snowball Stress"

July 10, 2019
You thought your day couldn’t get any worse - but then you find out your friends are doing something fun without you, you lose your keys, or the scales say you have stuck on some weight.
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Yes, You Can Buy Happiness

July 8, 2019
It's a well-known cliché that isn't quite true: Money can't buy happiness. On this episode of Good Money, we examine how money affects well-being, and how science says it can best be spent.
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Can Physical Exercise Make You a Better CEO?

April 8, 2019
There is no doubt that a good exercise routine is vital for not only a healthy body but also a healthy mind.
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CEOs Can Burnout Too, Will You?

February 14, 2019
Stress in the workplace can have devastating effects on mental health and productivity.
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Personal Assistants Are Vital for Good Mental Health

December 20, 2018
Business leaders without the support of a PA are at higher risk of stress, long-hours and mental health issues, according to new research by Tiger Recruitment.
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Here's How to Get Through the Christmas Stress

December 18, 2018
It’s meant to be a time of cheer, relaxation and celebration, but for many, Christmas is stressful.
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Jersey Hospice Care: The Hospice with a Focus on Well-being and Living Well

October 31, 2018
Emelita Robbins is the CEO of Jersey Hospice Care, the island's only hospice and the largest independent charitable provider of healthcare services in the Channel Islands. The charity has a strategic leadership role in the delivery of end-of-life care across Jersey and provides education to all healthcare providers in this area. Jersey Hospice Care supports […]
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Does Exercise Make You a More Productive CEO?

October 15, 2018
In a health-conscious society, we are increasingly aware of our lifestyles and the importance of trying to stay healthy. Below Conor McArdle of Brighter Business, delves into the benefits of exercise for all busy CEOs. For many workers across the UK, day-to-day work involves spending a great deal of time sat down. Whether you’re in […]
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The Importance of Taking a Lunch Break

October 9, 2018
We’ve all heard how eating lunch at our desks is bad for our health, but many of us don’t actually know why. In the middle of an extremely busy day, allocating every single minute of your time in the office to actual work might seem like the most efficient and sensible option, however it’s proven […]
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