The Relationship Between Business Innovation and Medical Advances

September 20, 2018
It might not appear so at first, but there are synergies between business innovation and medical advances. As a medical professional, I am in awe at the great strides taken in medical research and treatment over the last few decades. There are a multitude of advancements from organ transplants through to IVF that are benefiting patients, and […]
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#LuxuryBreak: The Ultimate Wellness Escape for Busy Minds

August 31, 2018
The terms “wellness” and “self-care” are still firmly on the radar in 2018, and with this in mind, it’s no wonder wellbeing tourism is on the up - Lonely Planet confirm that wellness travel is the industry’s fastest-growing sector, following a 10% rise in 2017. Mauritius is a firm favourite when it comes to a […]
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How Does a CEO Switch Off from Work When on Holiday?

August 6, 2018
A holiday is the best way to detach from your everyday world and rest, but for most work never stops, and switching off is not an option. For those that struggle to let go, Richard Holmes, Director of Wellbeing at Westfield Health, discusses with CEO Today why switching off whilst on holiday is important and […]
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Mental Health Misconceptions Cause 1 in 4 Employees to Delay Getting Help

July 19, 2018
The majority of UK employees struggle to identify symptoms of common mental health conditions, resulting in treatment delays for millions of workers. The study from Bupa examined employees’ understanding of key psychological and behavioural symptoms of six of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the UK, as well as identifying widely-held misconceptions. Industry figures […]
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Apple Is Making Employees Take a Stand, Should You Do the Same?

July 12, 2018
When the Apple CEO speaks, people tend to listen, so it was great to hear Tim Cook announce last week that each of the 12,000 employees at the Cupertino state-of-the-art HQ would be given a standing desk, both as a perk to attract and retain their top talent, and also as a means for employees […]
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10 Healthy Summer Travel Tips for CEOs

July 4, 2018
Vacations are usually meant to be relaxing, but traveling can cause increased stress on the body, and ultimately be a pain in the neck! The seats in airplanes, cars, trains, and buses are not always the most comfortable, even when you’re a CEO paying business or luxury class. With 80% of Americans suffering from back […]
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Beauty & Health Go Hand in Hand

June 29, 2018
CEO Today had the pleasure to meet with Darrell Jacobs – Cofounder, Co-owner and CEO of Switzerland-based Clinic Lémanic. Back in 1998, Mr. Jacobs and Dr. Véronique Emmenegger (FMH), who is also Chief Doctor at the clinic, set up a small enterprise for skin treatments, which 20 years later has grown to become an internationally […]
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ValiRx and The Future of Cancer Treatment

June 29, 2018
Dr. Satu Vainikka is the CEO and one of the founders of ValiRx Plc, which was listed on AIM in 2006. She is a PhD molecular biologist with an MBA and extensive first-hand experience of developing and advancing life science technologies towards their respective markets. She also has considerable experience of equity financing and business […]
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A Healthy CEO Is a Wealthy CEO

June 11, 2018
Wish it was easier to balance your CEO work life? Men’s Health Awareness Week (12th – 18th June) could be just the thing to boost your motivation and keep a closer eye on your health while handling your work/life balance. This week CEO Today benefits from expert advice on ways to improve your health and […]
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Mental Health Awareness Week: Top 5 Tips on How to Be an Approachable Manager

May 14, 2018
There’s a good reason why in 2016/17, there were over half a million (526,000) cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety, and It accounted for 40% of all work-related ill health. It’s an issue that cannot be overlooked, with mental health-related presenteeism costing employers up to three times the cost of mental health-related absence. […]
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How to Recognize the Signs Before You’re Burned Out

April 24, 2018
According to HSE, around 12.5 million working days are lost due to work related stress in 2017 with 526,000 British workers suffering from Mental Health issues such as depression and anxiety. Following these recent statistics, Ciara Morrison, Head of HR and Talent at Instant Offices identifies the early signs of Burnout and how to effectively avoid hitting rock bottom. […]
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Here’s 8 Top Health Habits for a Successful Workflow

March 5, 2018
Consider yourself healthy and active? With Spring on the horizon, there’s no doubt you’re putting your health at the top of your agenda, especially as we all know a healthy lifestyle is a great foundation to a healthy workflow and successful mind.  CEO Today has listed some small lifestyle changes that can make your healthy […]
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