Managing Stress, The CEO Way

February 28, 2018
Stress is an issue that can have a tremendous effect on all of us from time to time. From work to any everyday problems we run into in our personal life, it’s inescapable—and even those who have achieved great success can feel the weight of stress’ impact on their shoulders. What can a CEO do […]
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Swedish Leadership: The Co-founder and CEO of Digital Health Company Lifesum – Henrik Torstensson

February 28, 2018
Henrik Torstensson is the CEO and Co-founder of digital health company, Lifesum. In addition to his role at Lifesum, he’s also an angel investor, and has previously worked at Spotify, as Head of Premium Sales. Here Henrik talks all things health, trying to change the world and ‘fika breaks’.   What inspired you to make […]
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Should you Cycle to Work? 3 Reasons Why

February 2, 2018
Do you hate the sweaty tube or being caught up in a traffic jam? Americans hold an annual National Bike to Work Day (18th May 2018) to encourage people to get active and help the environment by cycling to their places of work. We have listed below the benefits you reap when you consider cycling […]
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6 Hacks for a Health Centred Workplace

January 24, 2018
As data suggests that 45% of women and 37% of men spend less than 30 minutes a day on their feet, keeping employees mobile is key to a healthy workforce. In addition, recent research also found that 78 % of office workers felt they spent too much time sitting down during the working day, and […]
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Which Country in the World Spends the Most on Their Healthcare?

January 18, 2018
Focus Clinic have produced a map revealing which countries across the world allocate the highest percentage of government expenditure to their healthcare. Question is, is your country doing enough? Let’s be frank. Having good health is one of the most important things in this world. Quite simply, because it enables us to live life. Healthcare […]
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Mental Health Still a Huge Taboo in the Healthcare Sector

December 13, 2017
New research by Benenden has revealed the extent to which mental health remains a taboo subject in the healthcare sector, with only 8% of employees admitting they would confide in their employer if they suffered with an illness. Although mental health policies are becoming more prevalent in the workplace – 62% of employees claimed to […]
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86% of UK Office Workers Think Their Workplace is Damaging Their Health

July 24, 2017
Latest findings suggest UK desk workers receive woefully inadequate training and support – which could lead to potentially widespread health issues. Almost three in ten (28%) office workers who sit at a desk for at more than 2 hours a day have never been told by their current employer about how to minimise the health risks caused […]
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The Business Case for Switching Off, a Goldmine of Creativity?

July 3, 2017
Discussing the potential for employee efficiency and the needs of employees in the workspace, Richard Morris, UK CEO of Spaces, make his business case for the benefits of employee switch-off. They’re known as “shower thoughts,” those seemingly random thoughts or ideas that occur when taking our morning shower- or engaged in a similarly monotonous task. […]
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