The Irony of Poor Leadership Choices and How They Affect Everything Else

January 21, 2019
A CEO’s stock in trade is his decision making. As the sayings go, “the CEO is the bottom line,” and “the buck stops with them.”
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What Is a Non-Financial Shareholder and Why Are They Important?

January 18, 2019
If CEOs don't start to appreciate and see this kind of activism as an opportunity then it immediately becomes a threat to them.
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Here’s How and Why More Women in the Boardroom Is a Good Thing

January 17, 2019
In most boardrooms, the majority of directors are male. This comes down to outdated biases and a lack of understanding around the benefits of gender diversity.
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Does Being Good-Looking Make You a More Electable CEO?

January 16, 2019
Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and Enrique Peña Nieto. All three have two very similar characteristics in common. They all hold high political office and all are considered by many to be good-looking. Is this a simple coincidence or could there be a link between their electoral success and apparent attractiveness?
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Can CEOs Solve the Brexit Blunder?

January 9, 2019
With the twists and turns of the political landscape, providing an opener for the dramas to come in Westminster in 2019, it came as no surprise that Ipsos Mori’s annual ranking of the most and least trusted professions placed politicians at the bottom of the list.
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3 Communications Basics to Building Confidence

October 16, 2018
Communication is ingrained in every facet of life, yet many struggle with fear, insecurity and general ineffectiveness when they find themselves eye to eye with someone to present ideas, address complicated situations, express feelings, negotiate or just “sell them self”—all whether in a personal or professional context. Below CEO Today hears from Merilee Kern, MBA, […]
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How to Harness the Power of Female Leadership

October 8, 2018
It is becoming increasingly common to find women within the boardroom or leading teams of colleagues however a common misconception still remains that women in leadership need to drastically alter their personality in order to fit the leadership mould. Karen Meager and John McLachlan are the co-founders of Monkey Puzzle Training, and they believe otherwise. […]
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Why Human Resource Directors Can and Should Be CEOs

October 5, 2018
In order to reach its full potential, Glenn G Jones, Principal at GGJ Global Consulting and author of ‘Human Resources Changes The World’, highlights that the field of HR must be willing to adopt new practices and mindsets, making HR very much relevant in the boardroom and at higher level management. This is an important […]
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Digital Transformation & Leadership: The 5 Big Questions

September 26, 2018
What does ‘digital’ actually mean? How will your company cope with digital transformation? What happens to the people who can’t or won’t go digital? Are your leaders doing what digital leaders have to do? Are you personally ready, willing and able to go digital yourself? Michael Leckie, digital transformation leader and advisor to Leading Edge […]
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How to Manage Multi-Generations in the Workplace

September 12, 2018
The modern workforce can now comprise of up to five generations. This new breed of multi-generational teams brings challenges to employers and managers, who must understand and oversee the needs and requirements of each generation to deliver great performance. Below CEO Today hears from Caroline Dunk, Director at the cda, with an in-depth discussion on managing […]
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China’s Plan to Use AI in Foreign Policymaking Reflects Its Global Leader 2030 Vision

September 5, 2018
China’s recent announcement to actively explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in foreign diplomacy, which forms part of its strategy to be the world leader in AI technology by 2030, marks the first time in modern history that the country will not be playing technological catch up to the Western world, says GlobalData. Of […]
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Feeling Like a Fraud? 5 Steps to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

August 30, 2018
Do you have strong feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt? Perhaps you feel uncomfortable when people praise you, so play down your strengths? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from ‘Imposter Syndrome’. So, the wellbeing and career experts at CABA have provided strategies to help overcome this lack of confidence. ‘Imposter Syndrome’ was […]
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