
How To Develop Your Management Team Into Effective Leaders

April 25, 2019
Being a senior leader in today’s ever-evolving modern world of work can come hand-in-hand with various leadership challenges, one being the active development of your management team into effective leaders.
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CEOs Are Not Confident They Have the Skills for Future Success

April 5, 2019
Business leaders in the UK do not feel prepared to lead through future challenges like artificial intelligence and political volatility, according to new research by management consultancy Lane4. The survey of over 150 c-suite leaders reveals that 20% are not sure they have the skills necessary for future success. In fact, less than a third […]
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Growing Faster Than the Market: 3 Questions CEOs Should Ask

April 4, 2019
The growth game has changed. Rising consumer expectations, increasing competition, and digital disruption have created new challenges, forcing businesses to develop new strategies and capabilities.
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How Do I Ensure a Smooth Transition Going to Tender?

February 19, 2019
For many businesses, putting IT or other third-party services out to tender can be a minefield.
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Do You Have the Skills to Navigate Businesses Through Digital Transformation?

January 23, 2019
Technology is a powerful enabler, but leaders need closer guidance in bringing about the business and cultural changes required to make digital transformation a success
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Hermes UK: The Best Technology, Culture and Strategy to Lead

December 18, 2018
Martijn de Lange is the CEO of Hermes, the second largest carrier in the UK delivering more than 330 million parcels on behalf of 80% of the UK’s top retailers, including Next, ASOS, John Lewis, Arcadia Group and boohoo. Martijn was born in Holland and has lived and worked in the UK for the past […]
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What Really Caused Google’s Unthinkable Workplace Backlash?

November 28, 2018
In recent events, Google staff around the world rose together to protest the company’s workplace culture, following claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism. The protests span across the globe, in all major cities Google holds office, from Tokyo & Singapore to London and Zurich.
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6 Mistakes CEOs Make During Cyber-Attacks

October 11, 2018
Incident management is often seen as little more than the necessary, slightly depressing clean-up after a major cyber incident. But the way a CEO handles a hack could have a long-term impact on reputation that far outstrips the initial financial losses. Here Phil Chambers, COO at Metro Communications, offers expert insight into the common mistakes […]
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Transformational Leadership: What It Is and How You Can Put It into Action

September 3, 2018
How do you and your managers lead their staff? There is a host of leadership styles that we can adopt in the workplace. However, some work far better than others. So, how do you know which is the best for your organisation? Many employers and supervisors are getting on board with a form of leadership […]
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3 Belief Systems that Hurt High Achievers

August 29, 2018
Malignant mindsets of current and aspiring leaders are likely to be counterproductive. This is what Dr. Marissa Pei, author of ‘8 Ways to Happiness from Wherever You Are’, believes and explains in detail below for CEO Today. As an Organizational Psychologist and 28 years working with the top three levels in Fortune 100 companies, I’ve […]
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Is it Time to Exclude Exclusion? A CEO’s Top Priority

August 23, 2018
Being excluded is dreadful. And humans are group living animals, so in evolutionary terms exclusion from the group ends in your disappearance from the gene pool. Our species has never lived in solitude and survived. Which strongly suggests that at a deep level, we need acceptance; and dread rejection. Then why is it such an […]
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Leaders Need to Be Better 'Followers'

March 27, 2018
Bosses need to be better at following others if they are to succeed in a management role, say leadership experts. Politicians and CEOs are too focused on how they are perceived as leaders - rather than actually leading colleagues around them. ‘Followership’ is the new management philosophy which places strong emphasis on following the lead […]
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