Joanna Swash, Group CEO of Moneypenny, looks into why big businesses should look to start-ups for some advice on how to become a business of the future. Established corporations spanning the globe may seem a world apart from small start-ups, yet, in today’s ever-changing business landscape, there are some important lessons that big business should […]
It’s become harder to demonstrate empathy and compassion in the workplace, especially as more meetings are being held online. Typically men will struggle with these traits more, so they often have to work harder to develop these characteristics. The word ‘empathy’ comes from the Greek 'empatheia’–‘em’ (into) and ‘pathos’ (feeling), suggesting a movement towards and into […]
Clive Stevens, Chairman at The Frameworks, explains how you can make your business more resilient. Facing up to an unpredictable future requires resilience. The Covid pandemic threw business plans into disarray and many companies are still struggling to keep their doors open. Those that have survived, often adapting to a new way of working, are […]
Leadership communication expert Janie Van Hool explains the importance of listening as a business leader. It’s 09.00hrs on a Thursday morning and I arrive at the reception of a well-known bank for my conference presentation coaching session with the CEO. Passing the time as I wait to be called up to the executive floor, I […]
The desired attributes and expectations of a non-executive director (NED) are various, and can often depend on factors such as sector or size of business.
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