The Annual Leave Allowances survey, from Just Eat for Business, has discovered that 1 in 5 of the UK’s employees is being discouraged from taking time off of work due to staff shortages. The survey found that many employees are having their requests for leave denied. The findings by the Annual Leave Allowances survey follow […]
Without highly motivated and engaged employees, a business will eventually crash and burn. If we put the names and faces of your workforce in front of you right now, it’s highly likely you’d be able to identify exactly who is most determined, inspired, and willing to go the extra mile. You need that person, but […]
The statistics for starting a successful business in the UK are grim. There’s no other way to put it. About 600,000 new companies are founded in the UK each year. Most fail. In fact, the majority never celebrate their third birthdays. The media is good at reminding founders of this. Headlines announcing a dearth of […]
Marian Evans, Business & Career Coach and Founder of Elevate BC, shares her essential tips for successful women. It’s no secret that getting ahead takes effort and focus. To an extent, success is proportionate to your contribution, as when we put a lot of energy into anything, something must give. Even for those with incredible […]
There’s barely a business sector that isn’t suffering from a shortage of skilled people. Attracting and retaining staff has become a major boardroom issue. Many employers have seen a high turnover in staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. The UK along with countries overseas have witnessed the Great Resignation, with people in a post-pandemic environment choosing […]
As the saying goes, it’s lonely at the top. CEOs and founders often experience loneliness, marking it down as an occupational hazard, and it can, unfortunately, lead to a dark recurring cycle of mental health problems. In fact, entrepreneurs are 50% more likely to have poor mental health than the general population, according to the […]
According to recruitment firm Hays, over half of employees (53%) would consider moving to a different company if a four-day working week was being offered. Hays said the study of over 9,600 employees also revealed that two in five believe a four-day working week will become a reality over the next few years. Most people […]
When you look across different industries there have been some winners, some losers, and everything in between, but when you look at human beings – the people that make up those workplaces, there is barely anyone unaffected. Personal and professional lives have been upended, coping strategies tested to the limits and, in many cases, trust […]
Ever since Daniel Goleman’s book “EQ”, appreciation for the role of emotional intelligence within leadership and the workplace has grown. Emotional Intelligence may be defined as: The ability to recognise emotions and respond appropriately (in one’s own conduct as well as dealings with others) The ability to express and manage one’s emotions in an effective […]
One way of doing this is to treat your job in the same way you would treat a personal relationship. In other words, look for employment where there is close alignment between your own needs and values and those of the company. If there is misalignment between the two for too long, the pressure will […]
As more companies across the UK sign up for a four-day working week trial, excitement for the pilot scheme has reached employees and workplaces across the country. The trials in Iceland and Scotland have performed well, particularly as workers have reported a dramatic increase in their personal wellbeing. Businesses who have introduced the scheme have […]
What is love? Love is the unconditional acceptance of all of who I am as a human being – warts and all – and the unconditional acceptance of all of who you are and who others are as human beings. It is the ability to separate an individual’s behaviour from the very essence of who […]
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