Businesses are more conscious than ever of their impact on the environment. And with studies estimating an annual spend for companies of around $8 billion a year to manage their paper usage, digital alternatives are looking more and more appealing. So, what are the benefits of ditching paper processes in favour of digital replacements? Maplewave, […]
Gary Hartman runs one of the few chassis manufacturers left in the US. He explains why his business is in big trouble thanks to competition from China, and why getting on Trump's tariff list is critical.
New research by mobile investing app Dabbl has revealed a surprising lack of investment activity amongst millennials in the UK – threatening the future of innovative British business. A huge 96% of people aged 25-34 are failing to back businesses, citing the fact the process is too complicated (72%), and something reserved only for the financial elite (62%) […]
Gordon Dadds, the legal and professional services firm, is urging businesses to get smarter in how they handle money laundering or face the wrath of HMRC with some hefty financial fines. It warns that the digitalisation of cash has led to increased risks to businesses from money laundering. Whilst the majority of businesses are good […]
When it comes to investment, it’s high risk high reward. But what if you could strategize your moves? Below experts at UOWN discuss crowdfunding with 5 reasons why it should be in your top 10 plan for 2018 investment. Investing in the UK property market is reliably good investment strategy. In fact between 2000-2016 property […]
Astonishing new data has revealed that the five wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world have a whopping combined net worth of more than £319 billion. From Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, to Facebook creator, Mark Zuckerberg - the world’s five foremost self-made business owners earn well into the billion dollar bracket. Despite many businesses and thought leaders […]
Switched On Insurance set out to discover whether Samsung or iPhone gives consumers best value for money. Switched On Insurance has looked into the individual costs of components for both iPhone 8 and Samsung 8, discovering which brand invests more into the quality of its parts. Research shows that both brands invest the most into […]
With GDPR at the gates (May 2018) Lawyer monthly hears from Andrea Tricoli at Expressly on the opportunities available for monetising on the regulation, as opposed to letting it damage your business. We live in the Age of Disruption, so it never ceases to amaze me when marketers, of all people, have a knee-jerk reaction […]
Sage research has found that small businesses are spending an average of 120 working hours a year on administrative tasks. It revealed that an average of 5.6% of staff time in each UK-based small business is used doing back-office tasks, because firms do not have sufficient systems to deal with them. It also unveiled that if […]
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