
3 Questions Business Leaders Should Ask Themselves During the Pandemic

May 28, 2020
Enabling remote working is not a new thing; it’s a concept companies have grown with as they utilise technology to scale globally. But never has working from home been so robustly tested as it is right now. Many organisations have adapted successfully as remote working has moved to an absolute necessity, but others are faring […]
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The New Normal: Getting Back to Business

May 28, 2020
While COVID-19 provided a catalyst for many UK businesses to rapidly change the way they work, employers should use the current lockdown as an opportunity to start planning for the end of self-isolation and a ‘new normal’ in working practices.  
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4 Things CEOs Must Consider to ‘COVID-Secure’ Their Company

May 27, 2020
Many organisations have struggled and floundered during the initial peak of the virus. Yet business leaders continue to face unprecedented challenges. Even those who have weathered the storm so far have now discovered the critical importance of taking decisive, proactive measures to inspire confidence in customers, staff, and shareholders alike.
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How Business Leaders Can Cut Costs and Drive Recruitment Efficiency

May 27, 2020
Many businesses have put recruitment on hold during the current pandemic in light of the uncertainty that the COVID-19 outbreak has cast over the economic future. Yet, when the lockdown eases and business ‘as near normal as possible’ resumes, many will once again need to turn their thoughts to the hiring process.
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