Why Does The Government Want To Regulate Cryptocurrency?

February 1, 2022
Governments also want to regulate cryptocurrency because it is a very practical means for tax evasion and criminal activity since cryptocurrency payments do not need the clearing authorities of the traditional financial system to operate. So far, government regulations have involved restrictions on cryptocurrency mining, cryptocurrency exchanges, and its use as a medium of payment. The […]
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China Releases Anti-Monopoly Rules Targeting Tech

February 8, 2021
A set of guidelines drafted in November to restrict tech giants has been fully published, exerting new pressure on Chinese eCommerce.
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Alibaba Generates $70.6 Billion in Singles’ Day Sales

November 11, 2020
The Chinese tech giant boasted eye-popping sales, but the event was overshadowed by looming anti-monopoly regulations.
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Ant Group’s $34 Billion IPO Suspended by Chinese Regulators

November 3, 2020
Jack Ma’s fintech unicorn has had its record-breaking initial public offering halted after a meeting with Chinese authorities.
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Facebook Threatens to Block Australians From Sharing News

September 1, 2020
The social media giant also updated its terms and services to broaden its ability to remove content that could legally jeopardise it.
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TikTok CEO Hits Out at Facebook Attacks ‘Disguised as Patriotism’

July 29, 2020
Kevin Mayer, the newly appointed CEO of TikTok, has struck back at “maligning attacks” from Facebook over its Chinese ties.
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Four Ideal Locations for International Expansion

March 31, 2020
When the time comes for your business to become multinational, you will have a lot of decisions to make – including where to set up your first international branch. While circumstances will dictate your needs, these four locations have proved popular with many companies as a first point of expansion.
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Zuckerberg Demands More Rules on Data Privacy, Governments Deliver

February 17, 2020
Last year, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg made it clear the firm wants more regulation of data, privacy and content worldwide.
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How to Run a Responsible Business in a Sector with Few Guidelines

October 2, 2019
The vast majority of business sectors are regulated, usually with a dedicated body that ensures rules and requirements are fit for purpose and that organisations working in those sectors are licensed and acting responsibly.
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Using Risk Management to Accelerate Decision Making and Growth in Your Business

August 30, 2019
One of the most painful aspects of growing a business are surprise shocks or accidents that hit the reputation, cash, profitability or business plans with such impact that it threatens the very future of the company and potentially the founder. Richard Branson’s risk-taking is legendary. He has said it is the essence of entrepreneurship to […]
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The Bigger You Grow the Bigger the Risk

November 13, 2018
Third party risk management is an increasing issue as your business grows. Below Ewen O’Brien, EMEA Director at BitSight Technologies, explains how CEOs should effectively scale their third party management programmes. Today’s hyperconnected business environments deliver a host of advantages for companies who want to cut costs and provide slicker, faster customer experiences. You want […]
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The 5 Main Impacts of a Hard Brexit Explained

August 22, 2018
What happens over the next few months will impact every single person in the UK and it is important to understand the possible implications of a ‘hard Brexit’; where the UK would not only leave the EU but also the Single Market and Customs Union. Roy Botterill, Partner at Shakespeare Martineau, explains in more detail […]
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