Customer-Centric Approach Paves Way for Ethical and Responsible Trading

May 31, 2018
The contracts for differences (CFD) trading market is a highly competitive market place and one which has historically received a bad reputation as a whole because of a few providers not acting responsibly. Whilst increased regulation in the sector is rightly forcing all operators to provide a baseline of protections for clients, it’s also important […]
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Are You GDPR Ready? CEO Today Asks the Readers

May 17, 2018
With less than 10 days until the official implementation of the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR) CEO Today has set out to hear from its readers on how prepared they are, what’s left to do and what the overall mood is ahead of the May 25th. What have you done to prepare? Rowena Perrott, general […]
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A CEOs Guide to the Gender Pay Gap

April 3, 2018
The news that Tesco is facing Britain’s largest ever equal pay claim and a possible bill running to £4bn is only the latest example of the impact that gender pay issues are having in the workplace and beyond. And these are only likely to intensify with the now passed 30 March 2018 deadline for all […]
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The Top 5 Challenges Facing Fast-Growing RegTech

March 22, 2018
RegTech has been the new big priority throughout 2017, and will continue to top key lists in 2018. However, it does come with huge challenges and hurdles, like any new and innovative sector. CEO Today spoke to Matt Smith, CEO of SteelEye, the regulatory tech and data analytics firm, on the proliferation of the RegTech […]
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Don't Be an April Fool: Get Ready for Energy Policy Changes

February 28, 2018
On 1 April 2018 (April Fool's Day), the introduction of three energy policy changes could increase business electricity bills for some customers. Energy regulator Ofgem has announced a trio of policies (DCP161, DCP228, and P350), which apply to third party energy charges for distributing and transmitting power. DCP161 and DCP228 relate to Distribution Use of […]
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Will You Risk £300 Billion in Fines?

February 23, 2018
Approximately 570 million procurement contracts in the UK remain non-compliant to new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), resulting in a potential £300bn worth of fines. That’s according to Odesma, which has warned that unless organisations act quickly they will not meet the new requirements ahead of the May 25th deadline. With up to one million […]
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GDPR: Does Your Supply Chain Comply?

January 25, 2018
In May 2018 the EU’s new data protection regulation, GDPR will come into force, leaving little room for non-compliant businesses. Below Stephen Bailey, associate director at NCC Group, talks CEO Today through the intricate maze of rules, which mostly focus on transparency, and touches on the potential consequences of non-compliance. Consider the way in which […]
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Will You Struggle to Comply with the Impending New Accountancy Rules?

December 21, 2017
Britain’s retailers look set to emerge, counter-intuitively, as the most exposed to lease commitments, according to analysis by Aptitude Software. Aptitude Software estimates that 90% of UK High Street retailers will struggle to comply with the impending new lease accounting standards (IFRS 16) which come into effect in January 2019. This is in part due […]
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The Top 5 New and Upcoming Regulatory Changes for Executives Look Out For

July 13, 2017
When it comes to regulatory law, rules and proposals for new ones, every lawyer, business and often individuals need to keep up to date. Here Clive Rich, lawyer and chairman of online legal service provider LawBite, gives CEO Today a rundown of the latest important changes every small or medium enterprise needs to keep an eye […]
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