
Why Long-Service Awards Are Crucial To Employee Satisfaction

February 18, 2022
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Incentives and Virgin Experience Days and Virgin Experience Gifts, explains why long-service awards are key to keeping your employees happy. Over the last two years, employees have gone above and beyond to deliver outstanding work for their employers. Despite dealing with the biggest societal and economic disruption in […]
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Unlimited Leave Policies: Are They What Employees Really Want?

April 3, 2020
All too often, an idea that sounds like it would make a great incentive for employees turns out to have the opposite effect. In the case of Buffer and other companies, this has been observed regarding unlimited annual leave policies.
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Do You Really Need to Reward Your Employees?

April 9, 2019
46% of UK workers would be more productive if offered gamified rewards.
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How Do You Create a Winning Loyalty Scheme for Your Business?

May 15, 2018
Loyalty schemes can be the difference between a business that makes profit and one that does not. Rob Meakin, Managing Director at Loyalty Pro, has all the expertise you need to help you figure out what a loyalty scheme looks like for your business. At a time when consumer wallets are being squeezed due to […]
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