The Christmas & New Year’s holidays used to be prime time for office robberies, everyone’s at home for the week, it’s quiet, emergency services are distracted... but nowadays, the biggest robberies tend to be cyber-based. Below, Matt Smith, CEO of SteelEye, talks to CEO Today about the 4 steps to take in managing your workforce […]
Manslaughter is of course a major criminal offence, but what about corporate manslaughter? The Corporate Homicide Act deems this an act of homicide committed by a company or organisation. In most cases this refers to incidents such as those whereby an employee falls sick and dies, or is caught in a bad accident, as a […]
With so many existing - and upcoming - regulations that govern the way we handle sensitive information, there’s never been a better time to ensure that your company has a resilient infrastructure in place. Alex Tebbs, Founder of unified communications business VIA, explores with CEO Today your options for safe and secure business communications. Great […]
Turning our attention towards manufacturing, CEO Today reached out to Ray Torres – the President & CEO of Checkers Safety Group, a manufacturing business headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado, dedicated to protecting people, assets and environment by providing revolutionary product designs and visionary safety solutions. How would you currently describe the US’ manufacturing landscape, and […]
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