Are We Addicted to Entrepreneurialism?

April 14, 2020
Though start-up success stories are widely known and lauded, most will never reach the height of success. For aspiring business leaders, could acquisition entrepreneurship represent a more viable route?
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Nitin Kumar - Master of the Business Pivot

April 1, 2020
Almost all start-ups pivot at some point in their evolution, but only a few are successful. A common myth in the industry is that altering the product or its positioning will make the business pivot; just focusing on the product will limit the degrees of freedom and constrain execution. Deciding When to Pivot Although this […]
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Silicon Valley’s Magnificent Four: Behind the Network

January 31, 2019
We have heard these things many times: “it is all about the network” and “who you know matters more than what you know.” In today’s professional world, networking is the most important skill. People who can develop, scale, maintain and leverage a meaningful network are in short supply. Whether you are in sales, consulting, or […]
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Meet Silicon Valley’s Magnificent Four

November 29, 2018
We have heard these things many times: “it is all about the network” and “who you know matters more than what you know.” In today’s professional world, networking is the most important skill. People who can develop, scale, maintain and leverage a meaningful network are in short supply. Whether you are in sales, consulting, or […]
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What Really Caused Google’s Unthinkable Workplace Backlash?

November 28, 2018
In recent events, Google staff around the world rose together to protest the company’s workplace culture, following claims of sexual harassment, gender inequality and systemic racism. The protests span across the globe, in all major cities Google holds office, from Tokyo & Singapore to London and Zurich.
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How Masayoshi Son is Shaking Up Silicon Valley

May 21, 2018
Love him or hate him, Softbank's Masayoshi Son is shaking up Silicon Valley and global investing. He once lost more money than anyone has ever lost in history, but has since recovered to make some of the world's most successful tech investments.
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Ragu Bhargava: The Man who Loves Complexity

January 31, 2018
Ragu Bhargava is not only a successful serial entrepreneur, he is probably the most optimistic one. In his view, there is no problem that cannot be solved. Ragu’s driving idea – the idea that animates his life, that guides his business and makes him show up to work at 4:00 am – is that there […]
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