Jack Dorsey Defends Twitter’s Fact-Checking of Trump

May 28, 2020
The Twitter CEO responded to the President’s criticism of fact-checking links being added to his tweets on mail-in voting.
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Disney’s Head of Streaming Hired as TikTok CEO

May 19, 2020
Kevin Mayer, who led the launch of the Disney+ streaming service, has been tapped as the first CEO of TikTok.
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Twitter CEO Says Employees May Work From Home “Forever”

May 13, 2020
One of the first major companies to adopt a work-from-home policy in response to COVID-19, Twitter will now allow employees to work from home indefinitely.
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5 Essential Tips to Grow your eCommerce Business

March 23, 2020
From building a satisfying mobile experience to taking proper advantage of social media, these are the essential strategies for growing a web-based business.
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Snap CEO: TikTok Will Be Bigger Than Instagram

January 21, 2020
The CEO of one of the world’s most used social media platforms is advocating a huge future for TikTok, a new and upcoming social platform among teens.
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How Can Facebook Damage Your Business?

November 29, 2019
It’s no surprise that 90.4% of users are Millenials and with 91% of us accessing it through our phones, it’s never far away.
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Riccardo Pozzoli – The Man Who Monetised Blogging

November 1, 2019
Tell us about the very beginnings of The Blonde Salad? Whose idea was it and how did you turn Chiara’s blog into a media company & a talent management agency? It all began in October 2009 when I was doing an internship in USA and Chiara was in Milano studying and feeding her passion for […]
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What Are the Best Ways to Market Your Business?

February 26, 2019
Successful businesses depend on hugely successful marketing strategies. Getting your business recognised is a key part of getting your business up and running, as well as helping it grow.
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How To Hire a PR Firm and What to Look Out for

January 23, 2019
The abundance of digital and social media has created a golden opportunity for brands to deliver highly relevant and targeted messages to their audiences around the clock and at speed.
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5 Quick and Simple Ways to Increase B2B Leads Via Twitter

January 22, 2019
While social media platforms form an integral element of many marketing and sales strategies, Twitter is sometimes considered to be the poor relation.
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What’s Next for 2019? 6 Tech & Innovation Trends

January 8, 2019
Below, Lucie Greene, Director of JWT, introduces the firm’s 2019 innovation report, which covers several upcoming trends for the year.
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Influencer Marketing in 2019: How Brands Can Stay Ahead of the Curve

January 7, 2019
Unless you have worked remotely with no internet access, you will have definitely seen the buzzword “influencer marketing” in the past year.
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