The Top 10 Steps to Risk Management: The Devil is in the Detail

March 2, 2018
Risks are found even after you’ve done a risk assessment. It’s like the natural recourse of business. Starting a business in itself is a risk, and the more you run it, the more risks it faces. So where should you be aware of risk in your business? Below CEO Today hears from Jean Pousson, strategy […]
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10 Top Tips You Must Read Before Launching an Enterprise in 2018

February 8, 2018
Online printer instantprint, held a Successful Business Panel this January, involving four accomplished business owners. The panel was held to inspire entrepreneurs across the country and to celebrate the success of small business owners. The panel discussion was filled with fantastic nuggets of knowledge and guidance on launching a business in 2018. Such as, how […]
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Jeff Bezos' Fortune Crosses $113 Billion

February 5, 2018
This week, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' fortune crossed $113 billion, putting a $20 billion gap between him and Bill Gates.
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The Top 10 Highest Death Rates in Business

February 2, 2018
New data examined by reveals the top 10 industries that suffer the highest business “death rates.” Achieved using the Business Demography release, published by ONS in November 2017. “Death rate” definition: Businesses that have ceased to trade are referred to as business deaths. The death rate is calculated using the number of deaths as […]
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The Top 5 Unified Communications Trends for 2018

February 1, 2018
Below Steve Harris, EVP Unified Communications at Nuvias and MD, SIPHON, talks CEO Today through his top five predictions for the UC market. Continued mergers and acquisitions in UC market We will see a continued growth in the number of mergers and acquisitions – from highly strategic and significant moves like Cisco’s acquisition of Broadsoft, […]
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Who Were the Most Googled Directors in 2017?

January 23, 2018
Business mogul, Lord Alan Sugar has been revealed as the UK’s ‘most searched for’ company director of 2017. The entrepreneur turned TV personality, topped the top 20 list for the second consecutive year as UK business owners searched for him more than any other director in the last 12 months. This follows the end of […]
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The Top 5 Networking Trends for 2018

January 22, 2018
Below Martin Hester, Strategic Consultant at Nuvias, brings CEO Today the networking trends that will shape 2018. Security First Cyber threats are becoming ever more sophisticated and increasing in volume. In addition, remote working or working across multiple sites and multiple devices, together with an increasing reliance on cloud-based applications, have all served to weaken traditional […]
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10 Ways Leaders Can Think Globally and Develop an International Outlook

November 21, 2017
Here CEO Today hears from Head Coach at Cirrus, Rosemary Moore-Fiander, on the culture of global leadership, how leaders can develop an international perspective on all things business, and what avenues allow leaders to flourish on a global scale. In the book Developing Your Global Mindset:The Handbook for Successful Global Leaders, Professor Mansour Javidan from Thunderbird School […]
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5 Top Tips for SMEs to Make the Best Foreign Currency Exchanges

November 16, 2017
Many small and medium-sized businesses in the UK operate on tight margins and have to manage every cost closely to ensure they remain in profit. For import/export companies, the greater the difference between an FX transaction and the spot inter-bank exchange rate, the more excess they are paying. A higher excess means lower profits. Below […]
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5 Key Traits of Any Successful Manager

November 6, 2017
To be outstanding, managers need a framework that will successfully influence others opinion, and a successful manager will ensure that they follow this framework repeatedly.  Below Margo Manning, a leadership coach and author of The Step Up Mindset for New Managers, lists for CEO Today five key traits that any successful manager will portray on a regular basis: […]
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The Top 10 Most Expensive Penthouses In The World

September 12, 2017
Discover the top ten most expensive penthouses in the world. Can we be there someday?
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4 Investment Tips and Recommendations for A/W 2017

September 4, 2017
There are some savvy investments to be made this autumn and winter, says Fiona Cincotta, senior market analyst at City Index. With the first half of the year squarely behind us, it’s time to look ahead to the chillier autumn and winter, and to start adjusting your investment portfolio accordingly. The latter half of the […]
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