P&O continues to face furious backlash after 800 crew members across the cruise liner’s entire fleet were sacked with immediate effect earlier this month. Their actions have been condemned as ‘utterly deplorable’ and the videos that ensued – showing security guards with handcuffs escorting the sacked-on-the-spot staff out of their cabins – revealed a company […]
The virtual team bandwagon has been well and truly gathering speed prior to COVID-19. Even before the pandemic sent us all back home to work, 85% of us have at some time worked in a virtual team and almost 20% of us spent our working day interacting with other virtual teams. Building trust is harder […]
Danni Rush, Chief Operating Officer at Virgin Incentives and Virgin Experience Days, explores what Gen-Z and Millennials want from business leaders. As the Irish philosopher Edmund Burke once said, “you can never plan the future by the past”. The world is constantly evolving and, for CEOs, the world they lead today is far different from […]
The authors of Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation (out October 25th) explore how digital leaders can boost their credibility. There has been a steady proliferation of digital roles in the C-Suite over the last decade, with titles such as chief digital officer, chief data officer and chief transformation officer becoming […]
Julie Lock, commercial director at workforce management solutions provider Mitrefinch, lists out some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to managing employees who have started their own business project. A new study has revealed that 25 percent of employees in the UK have a side hustle outside of their main job, allowing people […]
Tarek Meliti, founder of TDM Group explains what an M-BiTS provider is and how it can benefit your business. When outsourcing IT departments, it is important to distinguish between organisations that act solely as service providers and organisations that go further by offering the capability to act as a strategic business partner. In fact, the […]
In an age of social media, communication with the people most important to your business is easier than ever – and during times of crisis like the coronavirus pandemic, transparency will be the key to winning loyal customers and employees.
Every CEO knows the importance of creating a strong brand. Not only does it tell your customers what they can expect from your company, but it also engages your employees and builds corporate and financial value.
Negotiation occupies a dominant position in the business world, particularly when it involves international transactions. Understanding and managing cultural differences are essential to successful negotiations in an increasingly globalised commercial environment.
By Louisa Rochford The tech industry and Silicon Valley have had their fair share of ups and downs in a matter of years – in the last year alone, data breaches have felt like a daily occurrence. From Facebook to Quora to British Airways, security has become of major concern, with 945 worldwide breaches […]
Nick Liddell is the Director of Consulting of The Clearing, and Co-author of Wild Thinking. In this article, Nick discusses whether brands are contributing towards a polarised society. “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” The quote above is from Peter Pan, but sums up in twelve simple words […]
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